
The red sun sets over the smokey city skyscrapers

The Bad Roman

The Return of Jesus: Deconstructed

The Church’s Christianity isn’t very Christ-like. The way Christians behave is often influenced by their beliefs about the end of time
- with Keith Giles & Abbey Cleckner

Hope of the Kingdom: How God Wins

Jesus’ Kingdom is eternal; everything else is temporary
- with Jonathan Cannone

From Eden to Empire - Part 4

The Beasts and the Lamb of Revelation
- with Matt Mouzkis


The Anti-Christ & Man of Lawlessness

An examination of 2 Thes. 2:1-8 and other supposed Anti-Christ passages

The Temple & the Abomination of Desolation

Are we looking for a future temple? No.

The Beast & Mark of the Beast

Have most Americans taken the Mark? (Hint: it’s not a micro chip or a vaccine)

Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy

One of the most amazing prophecies in the Bible that points to Jesus (not the anti-Christ)

The Great Tribulation & Olivet Discourse

The great tribulation has already happened

New Heavens & New Earth

Our hope is not heaven but resurrection

Problems with Dispensationalism

Why Left Behind theology is hurting the mission of the church

Rival Nations

End Times Trickery

A brief overview of how doom & gloom entered pop-Christianity.

Back to the Future Tribulation

A look at how the great tribulation has already happened.

Mark of the Beast Revealed

Biblical scholars have discovered what the mark is.

The World is Getting Better

How the Bible and statistics show that God’s Kingdom is expanding.


Christian Pacifism

