The Bad Roman
Tyrants be Gone
Eccleisa exists to implement God’s kingdom here and now.
- with Duncan Palmer
What is the Church?
The Church is not an institution, its an organism
Church Leadership
Have we gotten the concept of authority, hierarchy, and submission wrong in the church?
Church Oversight
What does the Bible really say about Elders and Deacons?
Apostleship and Church Planting
What is an apostle and what do they do?
A Church Called Tov
An interview with Scot McKnight on abuse in the church and how to create a culture of goodness.
Women in Ministry
Women must be silent? Nope.
Rival Nations
Church is a Political Protest
How the actions of early Christians show us how subversive the church should be.
Embrace the Within
Embrace the Within no. 157
I sure hope God likes me.