“ 'I have the right to do anything,' you say—but not everything is beneficial. 'I have the right to do anything'—but I will not be mastered by anything."
1 Corinthians 6:12
Network launch video
On the 24th Jan 2023, The Bad Roman, Rival Nations and Expedition 44 launched the No King But Christ Network with the following video. Listen to each explain their desires and expectations for the network to grow as an important resource for all who desire to live according to the ways of King Jesus.
The Bad Roman Project
The Bad Roman Project explores the entanglement of Christians with the State. It was created out of a firm belief that, as Christians, we are supposed to follow Christ—not the state. All Christians are dual citizens, requiring them to choose which allegiances they’ll ultimately prioritize. Sometimes they must lay down a flag in order to carry a cross.
Expedition 44
Expedition 44 represents a way of life wholly devoted to living as a disciple of Jesus. It is made up of a global assembly of believers united to the Kingdom of Jesus. Dr Ryan and Matt Mouzakis co-host a YouTube channel based on Biblical Theology called Expedition 44 that has about 100,000 subscribers world wide. There are also various small groups, Bible studies, weekend retreats, and conferences associated with Expedition 44.
Rival Nations
Rival Nations features articles about a wide range of topics that all relate to how the complete revelation of God’s character is found in Jesus Christ and how his politics and his Kingdom change everything. These articles hopefully serve as a resource for sharing theological concepts as well as a catalyst for reconsidering what it means to live within Christ’s nation.
Embrace the Within
Embrace the Within is a blog that was born out of the plague and lockdown. Come visit my continuing journey away from fear and into the Way of the Lord.